Our Men’s Ministry of Faith Community Bible Church is dedicated to helping men become the spiritual leaders that God calls them to be.
Faith Community Bible Church

We passionately want to see men “Be strong and prove themselves men” (1 Kings2:2). The guiding principles of the ministry are founded upon God’s word! Through it we learn to encourage each other in fellowship, and service. We share in accountability with each other, and prayer for one another, that all men might be made into disciples of Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Men’s Ministry is made up with men who are following Christ and desire to become the men God wants us to be. We strive to develop and strengthen relationships with other men in order to encourage each other in out walk with Christ. We are dedicated to helping men become servants as modeled by Jesus Christ. A Christ-like man is a servant of God’s church, a servant of his family, and a servant of his community. As Christian men, we know He is the only hope for a lost and dark world and we adhere to words of Jesus, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations”.
We focus on bringing men together and providing opportunities for them to fellowship, teach, and serve together.
Bible Study
Our Men’s Bible Study is currently on break.