Our Women’s Ministry of Faith Community Bible Church is centered on God’s Word for the spiritual growth and development of women in the church. They will work to Equip women to enrich the lives of other women and their families through Christ. To Enable a woman to discover her God-given gifts for ministry. To Lead women to accept Christ as Lord and to become women of deep prayer and study of the Bible, so they may base their lives on the Word of God.
Faith Community Bible Church
Specific Responsibilities:

- To carry out Faith Community’s purpose of seeing unbelieving people become committed followers of Jesus as it pertains to women
- To help women accepted when they join the church
- To open the door to meaningful relationships
- To encourage women to discover, develop and use their spiritual gifts
Bible Study
Our Women’s Bible Study meets in room #5 every Wednesday morning from 10:00am until 11:30am.
We also have a Saturday morning study that meets at 8:45am every 3rd Saturday.